Am I My Sister's Keeper?
Does my title speak for itself? Maybe. We are often the sources of one another’s pain and misfortune because we fail to follow some simple rules. If there is any major example of how petty and trifling women can be, look at any reality show currently on television; Real Housewives, Love & Hip Hop, Bad Girls Club, Basketball Wives, R&B Divas, and the list goes on and on. These shows display the sad shape of our sisterhood. Even Married to Medicine, where women who are professionals and the wives of professionals, exhibits its own amount of drama and mess among women who are educated and well to do. No one is exempt.
What is one of our main sources of contention as women? Well, men of course. We often find ourselves at odds because one of us has allowed a snake to slither in our grass for a while and we got used to seeing it. Then, when he decides to slither away because the grass is seemingly greener on the other side of the fence, we end up hating our neighbor instead of the snake. We feel our neighbor is obligated to return to us what is “ours” and to apologize for the fact that “our” snake decided to slither away. Is it our neighbor’s fault? In some situations, it may be but, even if your neighbor knew the snake was yours, what obligation do they really have to you? More than likely, the answer to that is none. Instead of taking your garden hoe and chopping that snake into tiny little pieces like you should, you continue to fertilize your grass to tempt him back to your luscious green turf. Then, when your efforts to attract him are not enough, you choose to attack your neighbor; either physically, verbally or by ruining their character, not knowing that the snake will soon move on from you both because he’s always looking for the greener garden. What’s even worse, often in this situation, children are brought into the mix and, instead of having mothers who can put aside their differences and bring the siblings together, you get mothers who would rather teach their children to hate their own flesh and blood. You're also not keeping in mind that there is more out there to be had than just a little snake poison. AIDS is real.
I don't have the desire to beat a dead horse. We all know there are those of us who will never respect the boundaries of others, we will never choose the path of least resistance, and we will never take responsibility for our actions enough to see past our own desires. We will continue to be at odds; spending our money on the best fertilizer (make-up, sexy dresses, weaves, lashes, and heels) and weed killer (slander, rumors, and petty fights) to attract the snakes slithering all around us. We know there are those who don't mind playing second or third or hell, even sharing and playing on the same snake's team just to say that they have a little bit of meat in their flower bed. Who don't care that their situation will never be permanent because the snake will continue to slither and find other yards to nest in. So why fight with our sister over a temporary situation? Why create enemies when, soon enough, you will both be at a loss? I don't get it and I never will. There is never a need to fight over a little rattlesnake meat when the one that is destined for you could be out there and you miss him because you're holding on to something that doesn't mean you any good. But I digress.
The real lesson to be learned here is, when going about your everyday actions and dealing with those of the same gender, always ask yourself, am I my sister's keeper? If the answer is yes then, you would help her look for the snakes in the grass and you'd both get your lawn mower, cut down the grass so you can see him, then get your hoes out and chop him into itty bitty pieces. What more is there to be said? As always, make smart decisions and never give more than you’re willing to take. Watch out for those snakes.